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Version: 5.1

Standard Form Fields


Joomla provides an extensive range of type of fields which you can use in your forms. The source code for these field types is found in the libraries/src/Form/Field directory, and are described in this section of the Joomla Manual.

To try out a standard form field you can download the com_exampleform component from Exampleform component, and edit the /site/forms/example_form.xml to include the field you want to investigate.

List of Standard Form Fields

The following is a full list of all supplied form fields available in this release.

Accessible MediaProvides modal access to the media manager for insertion of images with upload for users with appropriate permissions and a text field for adding a alternative text.
Access LevelProvides a drop down list of viewing access levels.
Alias TagProvides a list box containing specific language definitions.
AuthorProvides a list box containing authors (users) that have created content.
Cache HandlerProvides a list of available cache handling options.
CalendarProvides a text box for entry of a date. An icon next to the text box Provides a link to a pop-up calendar, which can also be used to enter the date value.
CaptchaProvides the use of a captcha plugin.
CategoryProvides a drop down list of categories for an extension.
CheckboxProvides a single checkbox to be checked or unchecked
CheckboxesProvides unlimited checkboxes that can be used for multi-select.
Chrome StyleProvides a list of template chrome style options grouped by template.
ColorProvides a color picker when clicking the input box.
ComboProvides a combo box field.
Component LayoutProvides a grouped list of core and template alternative layouts for a component item.
ComponentsProvides a list box containing enabled extensions of type component.
Content HistoryProvides a model popup showing the modification history of an article.
Content LanguageProvides a list of content languages.
Content TypeProvides a list of content types.
Database ConnectionProvides a list of available database connections, optionally limiting to a given list.
EditorProvides an editor area field.
EmailProvides an email field.
FileProvides an input field for files
File ListProvides a drop down list of files from a specified directory.
Folder ListProvides a drop down list of folders from a specified directory.
Frontend LanguageProvides a list of published content languages with home pages.
Grouped ListProvides a drop down list of items organized into groups.
Header TagProvides a drop down list of the header tags (h1-h6).
HiddenProvides a hidden field for saving a form field whose value cannot be altered directly by a user in the Administrator (it can be altered in code or by editing the params.ini file).
Image ListProvides a drop down list of image files in a specified directory.
IntegerProvides a drop down list of integers between a minimum and maximum.
LanguageProvides a drop down list of the installed languages for the Front-end or Back-end.
Last Visit Date RangeProvides a list box of available date ranges to filter on last visit date.
Limit BoxProvides a list of item count limits.
ListProvides a drop down list of custom-defined entries.
MediaProvides modal access to the media manager for insertion of images with upload for users with appropriate permissions.
MenuProvides a drop down list of the available menus from your Joomla site.
Menu ItemProvides a drop down list of the available menu items from your Joomla site.
MeterProvides a meter to show value in a range.
Module LayoutProvides a list of alternative layout for a module grouped by core and template.
Module OrderProvides a drop down to set the ordering of module in a given position
Module PositionProvides a text input to set the position of a module.
Module TagProvides a list of html5 elements (used to wrap a module in).
NoteProvides a one line text field.
NumberProvides a one line text box with up-down handles to set a number in the field.
OrderProvides a dropdown list of entries within a specified table along with -First- and -Last-.
PasswordProvides a text box for entry of a password. The password characters will be obscured as they are entered.
PluginsProvides a list of plugins from a given folder.
Plugin StatusProvides a list box of statuses.
Predefined ListProvides a list of predefined values.
Radio BasicProvides radio button inputs using default styling (due to be removed).
RadioProvides radio buttons to select different options.
RangeProvides a horizontal scroll bar to specify a value in a range.
Redirect StatusProvides a list box of statuses.
Registration Date RangeProvides a list box of statuses.
RulesProvides a matrix of group by action options for managing access control. Display depends on context.
Schema Org Component SectionsProvides a list box containing enabled extensions of type component.
Session HandlerProvides a drop down list of session handler options.
SpacerProvides a visual separator between form fields. It is purely a visual aid and no value is stored.
SqlProvides a drop down list of entries obtained by running a query on the Joomla Database. The first results column returned by the query Provides the values for the drop down box.
StatusProvides a list box of statuses.
SubformProvides a way to use XML forms inside each other or reuse your existing forms inside your current form.
TagProvides an entry point for tags (either AJAX or Nested).
TelephoneProvides an input field for a telephone number.
Template StyleProvides a drop down list of template styles.
Text AreaProvides a text area for entry of multi-line text.
TextProvides a text box for data entry.
TimeProvides a select list of integers with specified first, last and step values.
TimezoneProvides a drop down list of time zones.
TransitionProvides a grouped list of all work flow transitions from one stage to the next grouped by stage title
UrlProvides a URL text input field.
User ActiveProvides a list of available user active statuses.
UserProvides a modal field to select a user from a list. Displays User Name and stores User ID
Usergroup ListProvides a drop down list of available user groups.
User StateProvides a list of available users statuses.
Workflow Component SectionsProvides a list box containing enabled extensions of type component.
Workflow ConditionProvides a drop down list or a list box of workflow conditions.
Workflow StageProvides a grouped list of all work flow stages grouped by workflow.