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New features

All the new features that have been added to this version. Any changes in best practice.

Mailer interface, factory and service

  • PR:
  • Description: There is a new mailer interface which allows extension developers to implement their own mailer. A respective factory is delivered through the DI container to create these mailer instances. There is an aware trait and interface where MVC classes (or others) can get easy access to the factory.

The following code snippet shows how to implement your own mailer class and factory:

class MyMailer implements MailerInterface
// Implement the respective functions

class MyMailerFactory implements MailerFactoryInterface
public function createMailer(Registry $configuration = null): MailerInterface
return new MyMailer($configuration);

The following code snippet shows how to get access to the mailer factory and create a mailer object from it:

class MyModel extends BaseDatabaseModel implements MailerFactoryAwareInterface
use MailerFactoryAwareTrait;

public function sendMailToCustomer()
$mailer = $this->getMailerFactory()->createMailer();
$mailer->setSubject('Thanks for the purchase!');