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Removed and backward incompatibility

All the deprecated features than have now been removed and any backward incompatibilities. There should be an explanation of how to mitigate the removals / changes.

Replacing .tar.bz2 with .tar.zstd

Starting with the final release of Joomla! 5.0.0 we no longer create .tar.bz2 packages. Instead we use .tar.zstd packages. This allows us to create download packages which are about 3 MiB smaller then bzip2 compressed files and about 11 MiB smaller files then zip compressed files.

PSR-3 upgraded to version 3

The PSR-3 (Logging) is upgraded to version 3 of the specification.

Most critically, the signature of the \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface methods has changed. The $message argument is now strongly typed as string|\Stringable. Any logger implementation you use must be compatible with this new signature. This is relevant to you if you implement your own logger, or if you are using a third party logger such as Monolog, in your extension.

If you are using your own logger, you want to preserve compatibility with Joomla 4 and 5 in the same extension package, and you do not mind losing PSR-3 compatibility you can include a copy of PSR-3 in your extension as long as it's under your extension's namespace. For example, instead of using \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface you could use \Acme\Component\Example\Administrator\Log\LoggerInterface. Note that you can use PHP Scoper to easily migrate your dependencies under your own namespace.

If you only need to maintain compatibility with PSR-3 to use an logger external to your component, such as Joomla's logger, you can still typehint against \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. Please note that the external logger you are using must be compatible with PSR-3 version 1 on Joomla 4 and PSR-3 version 3 on Joomla 5. If you are providing a third party, external logger yourself you may need to include two versions of the logger with your extension and only load the correct one for each Joomla version.

Framework Update

Joomla! 5.0 uses the Joomla! Framework 3.0, this might have it own breaking changes:

  • Dependency Container:
    PR: Description: It is possible to override services in child containers. This allows to override protected services, like the form factory one, in the containers of an extension when they are booted.

Database must be injected in constructor model

  • PR:
  • Description: The database instance in the model should be injected through the $this->setDatabase() or the deprecated function $this->setDbo() configuration in the constructor to make it available in the base class. Like that it is ensured that calls to $this->getDatabase() and the deprecated function $this->getDbo() will point to the same instance.
class MyModel extends ListModel {
public function __construct(..) {

Drop -es5.js files

  • PR:
  • Descriptions: The build tools won't produce es5 files (IIFE, transpiled to ES5) anymore. Further more the dependencies in all the assets.json files that were pointing to these (es5) files were removed (the actual entries for the -es5.js were kept for B/C but the URLs are empty, the files won't be loaded). The .es6.js files are transpiled to ES2018 and specifically the minimum browser versions are the ones from caniuse: es6-module. 3rd PD code that used the type=module/nomodule to load modern/legacy code will still work as it did before but the core is not distributiong anymore IE11 compatible scripts! .

CSS removals

The CSS class ".ie11" was removed via PR #39018

Javascript removals

The following Javascript assets were removed via PR #40302:

  • /media/com_templates/js/admin-template-compare.js - Not used anymore by the core since version 4.3.0, see PR #38823.

  • /media/com_users/js/admin-users-mail.js - Not used anymore by the core since version 4.3.0, see PR #39374.

This includes also the -es5.js files and the minified and gzipped files and the corresponding entries in joomla.asset.json files.

The files have been kept in Joomla 4 for b/c with layout overrides.

To fix these layout overrides for Joomla 5, change your layout override in the same way as the corresponding core layout has been changed by the PR mentioned in the list above for each Javascript asset.

Eg for the template manager's side-by-side comparison view, see PR #38823.

Return Types

All return types have been updated to match the PHP 8.1 return type signatures. This addresses any class utilising the ArrayAccess, Datetime or the JsonSerializable interfaces. If you extend from any of the affected classes and require compatibility with both Joomla 4.x and 5.x you should add the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] annotation to your code.


public function __isset(...)      --> public function __isset(...): bool
public function offsetExists(...) --> public function offsetExists(...): bool
public function offsetGet(...) --> public function offsetGet(...): mixed
public function offsetSet(...) --> public function offsetSet(...): void
public function offsetUnset(...) --> public function offsetUnset(...): void


public function format(...)      --> public function format(...): string
public function setTimezone(...) --> public function setTimezone(...): \Datetime


public function jsonSerialize(...) --> public function jsonSerialize(...): mixed


public function count(...)        --> public function count(...): int
public function offsetExists(...) --> public function offsetExists(...): bool
public function offsetGet(...) --> public function offsetGet(...): mixed
public function offsetSet(...) --> public function offsetSet(...): void
public function offsetUnset(...) --> public function offsetUnset(...): void


\Joomla\CMS\Language\Language extends now from \Joomla\Language\Language

Duplicated code which is extended from the framework has been removed

public function debugFile(...) --> public function debugFile(string $filename): int

User changes

Some core classes are not anymore of type CMSObject

PR: Files:

  • libraries/src/Categories/CategoryNode.php
  • libraries/src/Changelog/Changelog.php
  • libraries/src/Filesystem/Stream.php
  • libraries/src/Installer/InstallerExtension.php
  • libraries/src/MVC/Model/BaseModel.php
  • libraries/src/MVC/View/AbstractView.php
  • libraries/src/Table/Table.php
  • libraries/src/Updater/Update.php
  • libraries/src/User/User.php

Description: These classes do not extend anymore from CMSObject, but are including the LegacyErrorHandlingTrait and LegacyPropertyManagementTrait legacy traits as the CMSObject does too. Like that does the functionality not change. Keep in mind that the functions of these traits are deprecated and exceptions should be thrown or proper getter and setters should be created.

DIC Service Provider Changes


The input object is now available in the DIC. You should NOT use it directly in your extensions and should continue to get the input via the application object.

\Joomla\CMS\Factory::$application is no longer sometimes set inside the Application's DIC provider but instead is now reliably set inside the includes/app.php file of each Application. It is not expected for this change to affect extension developers as there are no extension hooks this early in the Joomla Application lifecycle.

Session Object Changes

In the unusual case of creating a full custom session object of \Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage the cookie domain and cookie path should now be set in the options object when creating the class. They will not be fetched from the application object to fix various circular dependency issues. As we expect all extensions to use the principal session created by the CMS in the application this is not expected to have a practical effect on end users.

Error reporting options in global configuration

The option to set error reporting to development in global configuration has been removed, as obsolete. Since php 5.4 error_reporting(-1) and error_reporting(E_ALL) have the same behavior. See

Wincache has been removed

WinCache is abandoned and not supported from PHP 8 onwards. Removed without replacement.

Toolbar popupButton now use JoomlaDialog

Toolbar popupButton now use JoomlaDialog, for popup rendering. Legacy Bootstrap modals still works. PR:

To use new dialog, following properties was added:

  • popupType - popup type: inline, iframe, ajax;
  • url - url, or css selector for content for inline popup;
  • textHeader - text for popup header;
  • modalWidth, modalHeight - optional, width and height, any valid css value;

Use Bootstrap modal for Toolbar popupButton and property onclose is deprecated.

Example inline button definition:

// Old:
$toolbar->popupButton('batch', 'JTOOLBAR_BATCH')

// New
$toolbar->popupButton('batch', 'JTOOLBAR_BATCH')

Example inline rendering for Batch:

echo HTMLHelper::_('bootstrap.renderModal', 'collapseModal', [
'footer' => $this->loadTemplate('batch_footer'),

<template id="joomla-dialog-batch"><?php echo $this->loadTemplate('batch_body'); ?></template>

Note: The batch buttons now is part of batch_body.

Example iframe button definition:

// Old:
$toolbar->popupButton('example', 'Example iframe')

// New
$toolbar->popupButton('example', 'Example iframe')
->textHeader('Optional iframe title');


Demo task plugin got removed

Recaptcha plugin is removed, Invisible Captcha is unlocked

Codemirror plugin


Codemirror script has been update to 6-th version. New version are based on ES modules. Any customisation and javascript code written for Codemirror 5 is incompatible with Codemirror 6.

To initialise codemirror instance you can use helper provided by Joomla in codemirror module, example:

import { createFromTextarea } from 'codemirror';
const editor = await createFromTextarea(textAreaElement, options);

Captcha plugin now have to use onCaptchaSetup event


Captcha plugin now have to use onCaptchaSetup event to register own Captcha provider which should implement CaptchaProviderInterface. See Captcha Plugin for more information.

For external class, kind of:

public function onCaptchaSetup(CaptchaSetupEvent $event)
$event->getCaptchaRegistry()->add(new MyCaptchaProvider());

When plugin implements CaptchaProviderInterface on its own:

public function onCaptchaSetup(CaptchaSetupEvent $event)

Captcha provider is a class that provide an abstract access to your captcha. It have all old methods, but slightly changed:

  • onDisplay($name = null, $id = '', $class = '') now is display(string $name = '', array $attributes = []): string;
  • onInit($id = '') is removed, you should load your assets in display() method;
  • onCheckAnswer($code = null) now is checkAnswer(string $code = null): bool;
  • onSetupField($field, $element) now is setupField(FormField $field, \SimpleXMLElement $element): void

Legacy plugins will continue to function until next major release.

Editor plugin now have to use onEditorSetup event


Editor plugin now have to use onEditorSetup event to register own Editor provider which should implement EditorProviderInterface. See Editors Plugin for more information.

For external class, kind of:

public function onEditorSetup(EditorSetupEvent $event)
$event->getEditorsRegistry()->add(new MyEditorProvider());

When plugin implements EditorProviderInterface on its own:

public function onEditorSetup(EditorSetupEvent $event)

Editor provider is a class that provide an abstract access to your editor. It have all old methods, but slightly changed:

  • onDisplay($name, $content, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons, $id, $asset, $author, $params) now is display(string $name, string $content = '', array $attributes = [], array $params = []): string;
  • onInit($id = '') is removed, you should load your assets in display() method;

Legacy plugins will continue to function until next major release.

Editor XTD buttons plugin now have to use onEditorButtonsSetup event


Editor XTD buttons plugin now have to use onEditorButtonsSetup event to register the button(s) instance. See Editors Buttons (XTD) Plugin for more information. Additional the button now can register a custom action, that will be run when it is clicked.

Example transforming old button to Joomla\CMS\Editor\Button:

// Legacy
$button = new CMSObject;
$button->modal = true;
$button->link = $link;
$button->text = Text::_('PLG_ARTICLE_BUTTON_ARTICLE');
$button->name = $this->_type . '_' . $this->_name;
$button->icon = 'file-add';

return $button

// New
$button = new Button($this->_name, [
'action' => 'modal',
'link' => $link,
'text' => Text::_('PLG_ARTICLE_BUTTON_ARTICLE'),
'name' => $this->_type . '_' . $this->_name,
'icon' => 'file-add'


Legacy plugins will continue to function until next major release.

Plugin constructor doesn't contain the assignment operator

  • PR:
  • Description: The constructor of the CMSPlugin class doesn't contain now the extra assign operator for the dispatcher as objects are always passed by reference. So constructors in plugins should now be written in the following way:
public function __construct(DispatcherInterface $dispatcher, array $config, more arguments)
parent::__construct($dispatcher, $config);

// Assign the extra arguments to internal variables

Module event onRenderModule backward compatibility

// Old
function onRenderModule($module, &$attributes){
$attributes['foo'] = 'bar';

// New
function onRenderModule(Joomla\CMS\Event\Module\BeforeRenderModuleEvent $event){
$attributes = $event->getAttributes();

$attributes['foo'] = 'bar';


Module event onAfterRenderModules backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onAfterRenderModules should now use $event->getContent() and $event->updateContent($content), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onAfterRenderModules(&$content, &$params){
$content .= '<strong>foobar</strong>';

// New
function onAfterRenderModules(Joomla\CMS\Event\Module\AfterRenderModulesEvent $event){
$content = $event->getContent();
$content .= '<strong>foobar</strong>';


Module events onPrepareModuleList, onAfterModuleList, onAfterCleanModuleList backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onPrepareModuleList, onAfterModuleList, onAfterCleanModuleList should now use $event->getModules() and $event->updateModules($module), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future. The modules argument is now always initialised with an empty array. This is needed for consistency (typehint) and to allow references for legacy plugins.
// Old
function onAfterModuleList(&$modules){

// New
function onAfterModuleList(Joomla\CMS\Event\Module\AfterModuleListEvent $event){
$modules = $event->getModules();



Custom Fields event onCustomFieldsAfterPrepareField backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onCustomFieldsAfterPrepareField should now use $event->getValue() and $event->updateValue($value), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onCustomFieldsAfterPrepareField($context, $item, $field, &$value){
$value .= '<strong>foobar</strong>';

// New
function onCustomFieldsAfterPrepareField(Joomla\CMS\Event\CustomFields\AfterPrepareFieldEvent $event){
$value = $event->getValue();
$value .= '<strong>foobar</strong>';


Installer event onInstallerBeforeInstallation, onInstallerBeforeInstaller, onInstallerAfterInstaller backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onInstallerBeforeInstallation, onInstallerBeforeInstaller should now use $event->getPackage() and $event->updatePackage($package), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onInstallerBeforeInstaller($model, &$package){
$package['foo'] = 'bar';

// New
function onInstallerBeforeInstaller(Joomla\CMS\Event\Installer\BeforeInstallerEvent $event){
$package = $event->getPackage() ?: [];
$package['foo'] = 'bar';


Additionally onInstallerAfterInstaller, should use $event->getInstallerResult(), $event->updateInstallerResult($result), and $event->getMessage(), $event->updateMessage($message).

Installer event onInstallerBeforePackageDownload backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onInstallerBeforePackageDownload should now use $event->getUrl() and $event->updateUrl($url), $event->getHeaders() and $event->updateHeaders($headers), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onInstallerBeforePackageDownload(&$url, &$headers){
$url .= '&foo=bar';

// New
function onInstallerBeforePackageDownload(Joomla\CMS\Event\Installer\BeforePackageDownloadEvent $event){
$url = $event->getUrl();
$url .= '&foo=bar';

$headers = $event->getHeaders();
$headers['foo'] = 'bar';


Content event onContentBeforeValidateData backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onContentBeforeValidateData should now use $event->getData() and $event->updateData($data), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onContentBeforeValidateData($context, &$data){
$data['foo'] = 'bar';

// New
function onContentBeforeValidateData(Joomla\CMS\Event\Model\BeforeValidateDataEvent $event){
$data = $event->getData();
$data['foo'] = 'bar';


Content event onContentPrepareData backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onContentPrepareData should now use $event->getData() and $event->updateData($data), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onContentPrepareData($context, &$data){
$data['foo'] = 'bar';

// New
function onContentPrepareData(Joomla\CMS\Event\Model\PrepareDataEvent $event){
// Note: The data may be or Object or Array, following changes need only when data is an Array
$data = $event->getData();
$data['foo'] = 'bar';


Contact event onValidateContact backward compatibility

Contact event onSubmitContact backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onSubmitContact should now use $event->getData() and $event->updateData($data), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onSubmitContact($contact, &$data){
$data['foo'] = 'bar';

// New
function onSubmitContact(Joomla\CMS\Event\Contact\SubmitContactEvent $event){
$data = $event->getData();
$data['foo'] = 'bar';

  • PR:
  • Description: onPreprocessMenuItems should now use $event->getItems() and $event->updateItems($items), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onPreprocessMenuItems($context, &$items, $params, $enabled){

// New
function onPreprocessMenuItems(Joomla\CMS\Event\Menu\PreprocessMenuItemsEvent $event){
$items = $event->getItems();


  • PR:
  • Description: onAfterGetMenuTypeOptions should now use $event->getItems() and $event->updateItems($items), instead of modification by reference. The referencing still works but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onAfterGetMenuTypeOptions(&$items, $model){

// New
function onAfterGetMenuTypeOptions(Joomla\CMS\Event\Menu\AfterGetMenuTypeOptionsEvent $event){
$items = $event->getItems();



User group event onUserBeforeDeleteGroup and onUserAfterDeleteGroup backward compatibility

  • PR:
  • Description: onUserBeforeDeleteGroup and onUserAfterDeleteGroup is now compatible with onContentBeforeDelete and onContentAfterDelete events. Old attributes still work but will be removed in the future.
// Old
function onUserBeforeDeleteGroup($data){

// New
function onUserBeforeDeleteGroup(Joomla\CMS\Event\User\UserGroupBeforeDeleteEvent $event){
$context = $event->getContext();
$data = $event->getItem()->getProperties();


CategoryFeedView Inheritance

\Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\CategoryFeedView extends directly \Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView (previously it extended \Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView which in turn inherited from AbstractView) as it isn't rendering any HTML. We do not expect this to have a major influence on extensions.

Removed 3rd party libraries


Our own LDAP library is no longer compatible with Joomla 5, it has been removed. As part of this we removed the following class aliases from the b/c plugin:

  • JClientLdap -> \Joomla\Ldap\LdapClient
  • JLDAP -> \Joomla\Ldap\LdapClient

Joomla 4 and 5 includes the symfony Ldap package.

The links in com_content > category > blog-links.php and com_content > featured > default-links.php use <ul></ul> instead of <ol></ol>. Changes made via PR #40629


CSS classes defined in the editor.css file of a template are no longer displayed in the formats dropdown menu or button. They can be displayed if you wish by enabling the new TinyMCE plugin option CSS Classes Menu.