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New deprecations

All the new deprecations that should be aware of and what you should now be using instead.

Class deprecations

Planned to be removed in Joomla! 7.0.


JComponentTitle will be removed in 7.0 and is not used in a long time. Use Docment::getTitle() Example: \Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()->getDocument()->getTitle(); Related PR:

getData() method in ArchiveModel will be removed

PR: File: /components/com_content/src/Model/ArchiveModel.php Description: The getData() method in the ArchiveModel.php will be removed in 7.0. Use getItems() instead.


PR: Description: Based on the Issue #19299 and PR #19320 the radiobasic field is pretty useless and can be removed. Decision in the maintainer meeting we deprecate the field in 5.x and move it to the b/c plugin in 6.0 and remove it in 7.0.