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Version: 5.3 (Upcoming)

Setup your testing environment

Prepare your Workstation

You need a set of tools to have a good testing setup. Tools you should have:

  • git
  • node (16.16.0 is the current LTS)
  • database (mysql 5.6+, mariaDB 10.1+, postgres 11.0+)
  • PHP (good to have different versions and the ability to switch)
  • Composer, Installation instructions here
  • Webserver (apache 2.4+, nginx 1.18+) - optional
  • Editor (PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code)

This is pretty much the same toolset you need for system testing. Listed version numbers reflect the current state of the time writing.


As always there are different ways of installing the listed software. One way is the use of Valet in combination with Homebrew

Now as you have all tools installed you can clone the joomla-cms repository.

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Go into a directory on you workstation.
  3. clone the joomla-cms repository: git clone another option here is to fork the joomla-cms repo and then clone your fork. We recommend the 2nd way because then you can make changes and Pull Request directly.
  4. Go into the joomla-cms directory
  5. Optional - If you have installed valet, run valet link
  6. Run composer install
  7. Run npm ci
  8. Copy phpunit.xml.dist file to phpunit.xml. This file allows config setting for phpunit.

Here is a example phpunit.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit bootstrap="tests/Unit/bootstrap.php" colors="false">
<testsuite name="Unit">
<directory suffix="Test.php">./tests/Unit/Libraries</directory>
<testsuite name="Integration">
<directory suffix="Test.php">./tests/Integration/Libraries</directory>
<const name="JTEST_DB_ENGINE" value="mysqli" />
<const name="JTEST_DB_HOST" value="mysql" />
<const name="JTEST_DB_NAME" value="test_joomla" />
<const name="JTEST_DB_USER" value="root" />
<const name="JTEST_DB_PASSWORD" value="password" />
  1. Run phpunit --testdox



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