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Version: 5.0

Key changes

In Joomla 4 a number of significant changes began to be introduced to the plugins area:

  1. Plugins were instantiated via the Dependency Injection Container, through the services/provider.php file. Previously plugins were run via the plugin's main php file.
  2. Plugins subscribed to the events which they wanted to get notified about. Previously you wrote a method whose name matched the name of the event, and Joomla used PHP reflection classes to determine when your method got called. With the subscription mechanism Joomla checks if your plugin implements Joomla\Event\SubscriberInterface and if so calls getSubscribedEvents to which the plugin returns the event types it wants to handle, and the method which Joomla should call:
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
'onContentPrepare' => 'myContentPrepareMethod',
'onContentAfterTitle' => 'myContentAfterTitleMethod',
  1. Events were passed to plugins as Joomla Event objects. Previously each method associated with an event had parameters passed which were specific to that event type. For example, the method called when onContentPrepare was triggered was:
public function onContentPrepare($context, &$row, $params, $page = 0)

In Joomla 3 "events" basically comprised

  • a string with the event name eg "onContentPrepare", and
  • associated parameters, which were passed to the onContentPrepare method.

The aim of the Joomla team has been to replace these with event classes, with each type of event having its own concrete event class. For example, for the onContentPrepare event there would be a ContentPrepareEvent class, with properties $context, $row, $params and $page. However, the process of replacing all the current code has been spread over a number of Joomla releases, some being done in Joomla 4 and some in Joomla 5.

To enable plugins to use Event classes before the full concrete event class could be implemented a temporary solution was adopted, that is, to provide a GenericEvent class, which meant that plugins could be developed which used the Event parameter in their methods, rather than the list of parameters.

It's important to understand that the way you obtain the parameters of your plugin method, and the way which you provide your return value is different depending on whether a GenericEvent or a concrete class is used.

This is what we're now going to look at in detail.

Joomla 3 / 4 / 5 comparison

Let's take the example of onContentPrepare and consider how it has changed through these releases.

Joomla 3

In Joomla 3 the event was triggered in com_content using

$dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array ('com_content.article', &$item, &$item->params, $offset));

This resulted in a call to your plugin method:

public function onContentPrepare($context, &$row, $params, $page = 0)

and Joomla found this method by using the reflection class of your plugin class.

onContentPrepare doesn't take any return value, but other plugins such as onContentAfterTitle do. To specify the return value you simply did

return $value;

The Joomla team have provided backward compatibility for plugins through releases 4 and 5, so this mechanism will still work. However it will likely disappear in Joomla 6, so you should not write any new plugins this way.

Joomla 4

In Joomla 4 the event is triggered using:

$this->dispatchEvent(new Event('onContentPrepare', ['com_content.article', &$item, &$item->params, $offset]));

This creates a GenericEvent which has Argument fields for the parameters above, which can be obtained via the getArguments method (using PHP array destructuring):

[$context, $article, $params, $page] = array_values($event->getArguments());

The array_values is not really necessary here, but we'll see the reason for it shortly.

For GenericEvent the result is an array which is held within the GenericEvent class, and you have to add any return value from your plugin into this array. So to return a value from a plugin method using GenericEvent you use:

$result = $event->getArgument('result') ?: [];   // get the result argument from GenericEvent
$result[] = $value; // add your return value into the array
$event->setArgument('result', $result); // write back the updated result into the GenericEvent instance

Joomla 5

In Joomla 5 the event is triggered using:

$dispatcher->dispatch('onContentPrepare', new Content\ContentPrepareEvent('onContentPrepare', $contentEventArguments));

Here the concrete event class ContentPrepareEvent (from libraries/src/Event/Content/ContentPrepareEvent.php) is used. Such events may have specific getter methods (eg getContext), but you can still get the parameters using:

[$context, $article, $params, $page] = array_values($event->getArguments());

Here the array_values is necessary, so if you use this to obtain the parameters it will work for both GenericEvent and concrete Event classes.

To return a value your plugin should use $event->addResult($value), but you can check if this method exists by

use Joomla\CMS\Event\Result\ResultAwareInterface;
if ($event instanceof ResultAwareInterface) {
} else {
// use GenericEvent approach

If you're developing a developing a plugin to handle a GenericEvent then it's crucial to use the above mechanisms to avoid the plugin failing whenever the triggering code moves to using a concrete Event class.

Other New Features


To use a plugin priority other than the default, specify this in your response to getSubscribedEvents

public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
'onContentPrepare' => ['myContentPrepareMethod', \Joomla\Event\Priority::HIGH],
'onContentAfterTitle' => ['myContentAfterTitleMethod', \Joomla\Event\Priority::MIN],

See the other values available in libraries/vendor/joomla/event/src/Priority.php. Use with caution though, as this will override any priority which the site administrator may want to set through ordering the plugins.

Stop Propagation

To stop the propagation of an event to other plugins you can call
