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Version: 5.1 (Archived)

The Dependency Injection Container

The Joomla Dependency Injection Container, DIC for short, is basically a repository of key-value pairs where:

  • the key is a string which is (usually) the fully qualified name of a class or interface
  • the value is an instance of the relevant class, or a function that returns an instance of that class.

It doesn't really matter what the key is set to - as long as it's intelligible and you use the same key for putting entries in and taking entries out. Of course, it has to be unique.


You put things into the container using set() passing:

  • the key = the class name or interface name
  • the value = a function which returns an instance of the class (or the value can be just an instance of the class, without the enveloping function)
  • shared - a boolean defining whether the class instance may be shared or not (ie if there is a second request to the DIC to supply that instance, does it return the same instance or a new one)
  • protected - a boolean defining whether this entry into the DI container is protected or not (an error will be raised if you try to overwrite a protected entry by calling set() again using the same key).

The function share() is basically the same as set() with the shared boolean set to true.

You get things out of the container by calling get() passing the key of the resource you want. The DI functionality will

  • find the key in the container
  • if the value isn't already a class instance, then it will run the associated function to generate an instance of the class
  • if the resource is shared, it will store the class instance, so that on subsequent invocations of get() it can just return the instance
  • return the class instance to you

You can also define aliases for each key in the container, which means that you call get() passing either the key or an alias of the key.