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Version: 5.1 (Archived)

Element Template


This is an empty template, intended to be used as a starting point for adding UI elements to the library. Try to keep it consistent with other elements and fill out all relevant sections; sections marked "optional" can be removed if not relevant.


Definition / explanation of what this component is/how it works.

Put front end/Cassiopeia screenshot here, if applicable. Don't forget alt text!


Requirements (optional)

If this code only works in certain contexts or environments, add that here. For example:

  • PHP 8.0+
  • No IE Support

Code Snippets


Add notes about using this snippet in the front end, if applicable.

Sample Front End Usage - ie, Cassiopia template
<!-- HTML Code Snippet Here -->

Best Practices

  • Add best practices here. For example, "Make sure you only use button elements when it will do an action, instead of navigating to a different page."
  • etc

Common Mistakes

  • Add common errors here.

Who is affected?

People using screen readers need ....

People with cognitive disabilities need ... etc.

Who is impacted most by the accessibility of this element?

Testing for accessibility

How does someone test that this is accessible with a screenreader?

  1. Use the screen reader to navigate to ...
  2. Make sure ...
  3. Make sure ...
  4. If ... then it passes. ✅
  5. If ... then it fails. ❌

Relevant WCAG Success Criteria

Relevant ATAG Guidelines (optional)